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Sales Memes That Will Make Your Day and Boost Your Sales

Sales Memes That Will Make Your Day and Boost Your Sales

Sales memes are more than just a source of humor—they’re a cultural staple for sales teams. Far from trivial, they can be an effective motivational tool. In this blog post, we’ll dissect the types of sales memes that really resonate with sales professionals and explore how humor can genuinely contribute to better sales performance.

The Psychology Behind Sales Memes

Sales memes are not just comedic relief; they tap into deeper psychological frameworks that govern human behavior and emotion. Understanding this psychology can help sales teams use memes more effectively as motivational tools.

Cognitive Dissonance and Sales Memes

Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress people feel when they hold two or more contradictory beliefs or attitudes. In sales, this can manifest when a salesperson is demotivated yet knows they have targets to meet. Sales memes can reduce this dissonance by making light of the struggles, thus aligning emotional states with work expectations.

Mirror Neurons: Why We Share Memes

Mirror neurons in the human brain are responsible for empathy—when we see someone smile, we often feel happier ourselves. Sales memes trigger these neurons, creating a ripple effect of positivity within a team. A 2011 study in PLoS ONE confirmed that mirror neurons are activated during the perception of human actions, including emotional states conveyed through facial expressions.

Memes as Microlearning Tools

Microlearning involves brief, focused segments of learning that are designed to meet specific outcomes. Sales memes often encapsulate a whole lesson or insight into a single, easily digestible format. This makes them incredibly effective as microlearning tools. Studies show that microlearning increases retention rates by 20%.

The Connection Between Humor and Sales Performance

Laughter isn’t just the best medicine; it’s also a significant performance enhancer in sales.

The Role of Humor in Stress Reduction

Research from the American Psychological Association shows that humor acts as a buffer against stress. In sales, where stress levels can often be off the charts, a well-timed meme can make the environment less tense and more productive.

How Humor Can Improve Team Cohesion

A study from Harvard Business Review indicates that teams who share a laugh are more likely to share other things—like information and support. Thus, memes can break down barriers and foster a team spirit that’s essential for high performance.

The Correlation Between a Happy Sales Team and Performance Metrics

According to Salesforce, a happy sales team is 38% more likely to close deals. Memes are a simple way to lighten the mood and keep your team motivated, thereby directly contributing to better performance metrics.

7 Types of Sales Memes That Resonate with Sales Teams

There’s a meme for every situation in sales. Let’s dive into the categories that make salespeople hit the “share” button the most.

Motivational Memes

These memes often feature inspirational quotes or situations where underdogs rise to the occasion. They’re the extra push a salesperson may need to make that challenging call.

“The Struggle is Real” Memes

These memes capture the pain points that every sales professional can relate to—like the never-ending follow-ups or the leads that go cold. Sharing them builds a collective sense of camaraderie.

Deal-Closing Memes

There’s no better feeling than closing a deal, and these memes encapsulate that triumph. They can serve as a virtual high-five among team members.

Prospect-Related Memes

These memes focus on the challenges and quirks of dealing with prospects. They’re an excellent way for teams to share and laugh about common challenges, thereby reducing tension.

Productivity Memes

Time management and productivity are crucial in sales. Memes that poke fun at procrastination or celebrate productivity hacks can serve as light-hearted reminders to stay focused.

Team Spirit Memes

Team spirit memes often feature popular culture references and inside jokes that only the team would understand, thereby contributing to team cohesion.

Holiday & Seasonal Sales Memes

These memes are particularly popular around Black Friday, Christmas, or end-of-quarter crunch times. They bring a light-hearted touch to what is often a high-stress period.

How to Use Sales Memes Funny and Effectively

Using memes in a sales environment needs to be done carefully. Here are some tips on how to walk the line between funny and professional.

  • Timing is Everything – Sharing a meme immediately after losing a big client might not be the best timing. Use memes when they can enhance the mood, not worsen it.
  • Know Your Audience – If your team is diverse or new, starting with neutral memes is advisable to ensure nobody feels offended or left out.
  • Meme Etiquette in a Professional Setting – Always remember that you’re in a professional setting. Use memes that are appropriate and don’t cross the line into being offensive or overly casual.

Best Sales Memes of the Year

The internet is a treasure trove of memes, but here are some that have made waves in sales circles this year.

The Dos and Don’ts of Sharing Sales Memes in the Workplace

For business owners, the culture within the sales team can be a defining factor for success. The right meme can galvanize a team, but the wrong one can spell disaster. In a work environment where memes serve as a modern form of communication, understanding the dos and don’ts is crucial.

Assess Company Culture and Set Guidelines

Your company culture sets the tone for what’s acceptable. A relaxed environment might have more leeway, but it’s essential to establish clear guidelines about what’s permissible. You could even involve your HR department in this process.

  • Do: Create a document that outlines meme-sharing guidelines.
  • Don’t: Assume everyone knows what’s considered over the line.

Align Memes with Company Goals and Values

Memes should resonate with what your company stands for. The wrong meme can send conflicting messages and confuse your team.

  • Do: Share memes that are in line with your sales targets or quarterly objectives.
  • Don’t: Share memes that contradict your company’s values, no matter how funny they are.

Pay Attention to Timing and Relevance

Sharing a meme about missing sales targets right after a disappointing month could be demoralizing. Timing is essential for the meme’s message to be effective.

  • Do: Share uplifting memes during challenging periods.
  • Don’t: Use memes to mask issues that require serious discussion.

Consider the Source and Authenticity

The Internet is filled with memes that are insensitive or even misleading. As a business owner, credibility is everything.

  • Do: Use reliable sources for your memes, perhaps even create your own.
  • Don’t: Share memes without verifying their appropriateness.

Business owners carry the added responsibility of ensuring that meme-sharing doesn’t just entertain but also aligns with company culture and objectives. Ensuring you follow these guidelines can turn meme-sharing from a trivial activity into an impactful motivational strategy.


Sales memes are more than just a quick laugh; they are a tool that can aid in stress reduction, improve team cohesion, and even lead to better sales performance. But like any tool, they need to be used responsibly and effectively. 

Next steps? Take some time to explore memes that resonate with your team and set some basic guidelines for sharing them. As simple as it sounds, this small step can significantly influence your team’s morale and productivity.

But wait!

Think a motivated sales team doesn’t translate to dollars? Think again. Your sales team’s efficiency and performance are directly tied to your revenue. Get in touch with OlTask today to find out how we can help you motivate your sales team and ultimately, increase your bottom line. Because remember, in sales, a happy team is a productive team. Let’s make your team the happiest—and most productive—it can be.

Billie Flores is an industry expert with over a decade of experience in remote staff hiring, outbound sales, ecommerce, and customer service. Recognized for her innovative strategies and actionable insights, Billie has empowered businesses of all sizes to optimize their operations and drive sustained growth. A frequent speaker at industry events and a thought leader in her field, her expertise is sought after by organizations looking to excel in an increasingly digital landscape. Billie’s writings offer a blend of practical tips and forward-thinking perspectives, making her a go-to resource for business leaders and professionals alike.

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